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As YOUR facilitation partner:

“Facilitation in business, organization development, and in consensus decision-making refers to the process of designing and running a meeting or series of meetings according to a previously agreed set of requirements.”  (Wikipedia) 


Coming together as a diverse group of professionals to make a decision, plan a project, or tackle an organizational obstacle, can be more difficult than one would expect.  Often a fresh perspective in facilitation leadership can be just the recipe. Experienced MTI facilitators use best-in-class methods and procedures to maximize the effectiveness of each session:

  • Client consultation to understand needs and desired outcomes

  • Establishment of ground rules for facilitation sessions

  • Logistical arrangement planning for sessions

  • Creating an agenda that serves

  • Review team and group dynamics prior to engagement

  • Leading the teams through each session, creating a safe environment where creative thinking and problem solving is nurtured








Different outcomes require different types of facilitation sessions. MTI utilizes three (3) popular types of sessions for most projects depending on the specific deliverable.


Almost 37% of all failed IT projects have nothing to do with the technology and everything to do with ensuring those requirements are correct, understood, and agreed upon.  At MTI we are experienced Program & Project Managers who have witnessed the devastation of poor requirements gathering and tracking.  We share these lessons with our clients during requirements gathering facilitated sessions.
  • Journey Map – Often referred to as “A Day in the life of” – Journey Mapping is broken down into 5 main sections that help tell a complete story or workflow:

    1. The Actor

    2. Scenario & Expectations

    3. Phases

    4. Actions, Mindset, & Emotions

    5. Opportunities, Insights, & Ownership

  • Use Case / User Story Development – Often written informally and used to provide specific details on workflow or functionality. In software development a user story is often written as “As a <type of user>, I want <some goal> so that <some reason>.”  User stories and Use Cases help the reader to confirm their requirements and assist in the often-delicate translation between the business and the developers.

  • Requirements Gathering – There are many reasons why projects fail. The Chaos Report published by the Standish Group stated the top 3 reasons are:

    1. Lack of User Input – 12.8%

    2. Incomplete Requirements & Specifications – 12.3%

    3. Changing Requirements & Specifications – 11.8%

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